Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Details for Mechanism ID: 7383
Country/Region: Côte d'Ivoire
Year: 2012
Main Partner: Central Contraceptive Procurement Project
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Private Contractor
Funding Agency: USAID
Total Funding: $655,544

This contract will provide male and female condoms for use in HIV prevention programs serving MARPs and highly vulnerable populations (people living with HIV and AIDS, commercial sex workers and their clients, military personnel, transportation workers, etc.), who will also be targeted with messages on fidelity and risk reduction. This stock will complement other international donor and national efforts to provide condoms for use in a comprehensive reproductive health commodities strategy by the Ivoirian government. It is designed to avoid a shortfall in condoms, which would impair the sustainability and effectiveness of HVP programs, with consequences for populations at potentially elevated risk of HIV transmission, who also may serve as transmission bridges to the general population. With separate funding, the PEPFAR team is also supporting technical assistance to strengthen forecasting and management of USG-procured condoms.

Funding for Sexual Prevention: Other Sexual Prevention (HVOP): $655,544

This contract will provide male and female condoms for use in HIV prevention programs serving MARPs and highly vulnerable populations (peopleliving with HIV and AIDS, commercial sex workers and their clients, military personnel, transportation workers, etc.), who will also be targeted with messages on fidelity and risk reduction. This stock will complement other international donor and national efforts to provide condoms for use in a comprehensive reproductive health commodities strategy by the Ivoirian government. It is designed to avoid a shortfall in condoms, which would impair the sustainability and effectiveness of HVP programs, with consequences for populations at potentially elevated risk of HIV transmission, who also may serve as transmission bridges to the general population. With separate funding, the PEPFAR team is also supporting technical assistance to strengthen forecasting and management of USG-procured condoms.

PEPFAR works with the National Public Health Pharmacy (PSP), SCMS, and the National HIV/AIDS Careand Treatment Program (PNPEC) to strengthen national capacity to quantify, manage, and distributecommodities necessary to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. Complementing SCMSprocurement of antiretroviral drugs and most other HIV/AIDS-related commodities, this procurement ofcondoms is in alignment with partner needs to ensure stock levels respond to program reality at the local,district, and national levels. It is imperative that PEPFAR program support a normalized pre-plannedschedule of condom purchases along with capacity reinforcement to help integrate these efforts to provide aprimary method of protection for sexually active HVP target groups.

Male and female condoms will be acquired through this procurement mechanism to support PEPFARpartners activities as part of a comprehensive cross-cutting prevention for positives program at all servicesites where HIV testing is provided (including all counseling and testing (CT), PMTCT, care, and treatmentsites) as well as in conjunction with peer outreach targeting highly vulnerable populations of PLWH/A, sexworkers, and the military. These activities will complement comprehensive risk-reduction counseling,including within uniformed services and sex worker peer education programs. To address womens controlof their own protection, female condoms will be purchased, but in much lower numbers than male condoms.Previous social-marketing efforts have led to interest in the female condom as an alternative method ofprotection among commercial sex workers but have not produced a large-scale uptake, broad distributionnetwork, or reduction in price over time.

The USG country teams procurement focal point will provide overall supervision of the project and willassure liaison with USAID project management staff and technical branch chiefs for prevention and care &treatment. The recipient implementing partners are part of national distribution channels, incollaboration with the National Public Health Pharmacy (PSP), and with technical assistance from SCMSwill manage storage and distribution. Partners will estimate their needs according to current and projectedclient loads. Consumption will be monitored, and orders will be adjusted accordingly.

Key Issues Identified in Mechanism
Increasing gender equity in HIV/AIDS activities and services
Military Populations
Mobile Populations
Safe Motherhood
Family Planning